Do you plan construction of a house, building or a business center? Maybe you design linear facilities? In any case the process starts with engineering survey. Specialists of “Geo-lab” will extensively study geomorphological characteristics, relief character, geological structure, hydrogeological conditions of the area being surveyed. Based on the survey you will obtain data that will help you to perform necessary design activity.
Our work is carried out as follows:
- Team of Geo-lab LLP departs in the site and carries out reconnaissance of the area including by topographical survey.
- Afterwards borehole drilling starts with oil sampling. The whole process and phases are thoroughly documented: depth of sampling, number of samples and boreholes. If soil is running we strengthen borehole walls with casing pipes.
- When groundwater is discovered, our geologist measure the tapping level of static (appeared) and dynamic (stable).
- After sampling we provide clear by-layer description of geological section with specification of boundaries of layers up to 5-20 cm, with identification of all lenses and interlayers of soil.
- Soil and water samples are delivered to our laboratory where a complex of laboratory studies with receipt of at least 10 physical and 6 mechanical characteristics is conducted for each element discovered in samples.
- Collection, packaging, storage and transportation of samples is performed as per GOST 12071-2014
- Boreholes after drilling are filled with excavated soil.
Upon completion of engineering surveys you will receive all necessary information on your area: geological sections, relief, conditions of soil occurrence, physical and mechanical, chemical properties of soil and ground water. Upon the availability of specific soil (subsiding, swelling, salty) we provide quality and quantitive forecast of change for them. In conclusion we provide recommendations to take design solutions.
Based on results of performed works we produce maps of actual material, geotechnical conditions, engineering and geological zoning.
Advantages and benefits of pre-design engineering surveys are obvious. Having found out in advance all characteristics of a future build-up territory and potential difficulties you will save time and significant funds.
Engineering and geodetic survey (or topography and geodetic activities) of Geo-lab LLP provides complete and accurate information on relief, environment and geophysical situation in the area. Our topography and geodetic survey will form a basis for design and carrying out of other types of surveys and inspections. In our activity we use Leica up-to-date devices for geodetic surveys as well as extremely-precise global position systems GPS.
Our engineering and geodetic surveys are conducted in the following manner:
- We thoroughly analyze all materials of engineering surveys of previous years carried out in the area.
- Then we perform reconnaissance of the survey area.
- We create geodetic control networks (Class 3 and 4, geodetic extension grids of 1 and 2 category and vertical control network of 2, 3, 4 Class), and geodetic grids of special purpose and horizontal and vertical survey networks.
- Our company will carry out for you topographic plotting of any scale including survey of underground and aboveground utilities.
- In case of loss of boundary mounts in your area we will carry out staking out and determine plot lines in accordance with cadastral excerpt.
- Specialists of Geo-lab LLP carry out optimum route surveying for line facilities such as automobile and railway roads, power transmission lines, water and gas pipelines and etc.
- Based on the topography survey we draw up engineering and topography plans, cadastral plans and area thematic maps as well as special atlases and provide them in attractive format (graphical, digital).
- All geodetic measurements are processed by licensed software AutoCAD Civil 3D.
- After completion of field works we conduct desk study of all received data, check their accuracy and if necessary introduce corrections.
Based on the results of geodetic surveys you will receive a comprehensive technical report on performed work, all schemes, maps and in a graphic type and in digital format. You will receive the originals of all materials in conjunction with report. Therefore, when possessing such extensive data you can perform further work in an efficient, rapid and a cost effective manner.
Company “Geo-lab” has its own testing laboratory in which samples of field water and soil are tested. Within the framework of laboratory work we carry out desk study of received data, examine different compositions of samples. Our laboratory is fitted with up-to-date equipment and certified in accordance with the requirements of GOST ISO/MEK 17025-2009 “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories”. Accreditation certificate № KZ.Т.13.1659 dated October 21, 2015.
In our laboratory we determine such characteristics as:
- moisture;
- soil consistency, dry soil density by calculation method, soil particles density;
- soil liquid limit, soil rolling limit;
- plasticity and liquidity index;
- porosity factor;
- water saturation coefficient;
- particle size distribution;
- coefficient of soil permeability;
- maximum density at maximum moisture;
- swell and shrinkage;
- settlement;
- compression;
- direct shear;
- uniaxial compression;
- water softening factor;
- corrosivity of soil towards the carbon and low-alloy steel;
- organic substance; рН;
- solid of water extract;
- carbonates and bicarbonates; chlorides, calcium and magnesium; sulphate; nitrates, ferric; oil products in soil samples.
Samples of natural water (surface, sea, underground) and waste water before and after treatments are tested by following characteristics:
- turbidity;
- density;
- total salt content (dry residue), unsolved substances in water, suspended particles; sulphate,
- Total alkalinity, carbonates and hydrocarbonates, calcium, magnesium, total nitrogen, sulphate, total phosphorous, available chlorine, nitrogen ammonia, cuprum, zinc, nickel, manganese, alluminium, phenols;
- oil products;
- nitrites;
- anionic surface active agents;
- hydrogen sulphite, carbon dioxide, dissolved oxygen;
- Chemical oxygen demand (COD).